There is No God But Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad is His Last and Greatest Messenger.

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The Raw Teachings of Messenger Elijah Muhammad
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Teachings From the Holy Qur'an
Chaper 3, Verse 143
And Muhammad is but a Messenger -- Messengers have already passed away
before him. If then he dies or is killed, will you turn back upon your heels?
And he who turns back upon his heels will do no harm at all to Allah.
And Allah will reward the grateful.
Footnotes 496 & 497
"The Prophet received severe wounds in the battle of Uhud; there was even a
rumour that he was killed. It is to this that the verse refers. Even if the
Prophet were killed, Islam was so far superior to all forms of faith that the
Muslims could not give up Islam. Truth was truth, though its advocate might be
killed in a battle; nor could falsehood and superstition be accepted, though
their advocates might prevail for a time.
While this verse lays stress on the essential truth of Islam, it served
another important purpose at the death of the Prophet. SOME OF THE COMPANIONS
THOUGHT THAT THE PROPHET WAS NOT DEAD. Abu Bakr went in, and seeing that life
had departed, ascended the pulpit and read this verse, which had a magical
effect upon his hearers, all of them being convinced that the Prophet had passed
away, as all prophets hadpassed away before him.
The prophets were but mortals, and their span of mortal
life must no doubt terminate like that of other mortals. This verse affords a
conclusive proof that Jesus Christ was also dead; otherwise Abu Bakr's argument
could not have silenced the doubters of the Prophet's death.
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