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Funeral Service For Messenger Elijah Muhammad
Photo, Caption and Article Reprinted from the March 21, 1975 edition of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper, page 5
ROYAL SONS OF MUHAMMAD, pay last respects to their Father, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad at Mount Glenwood Cemetery, in Thornton, Ill., a temporary resting place. They are (from left) Grandson Sultan Muhammad, Captain Elijah Muhammad Jr., Dr. Akbar Muhammad, Ministers Emanuel Muhammad, Minister Nathaniel Muhammad, Supreme Minister Wallace D. Muhammad (to the rear of Min. James Shabazz) and Brother Herbert Muhammad.
Reverent dignity at Muhammad's rites
By Alonzo 4X (News Editor)
CHICAGO --The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, may the Peace and Blessings of Allah forever be upon Him, was placed in His temporary resting place on Feb. 28, 1975.
Earlier in the day more than 20,000 people, spanning all social, class and color spectrums paid solemn tribute to the person and family of the Messenger at a dignified funeral service at Temple No. 2 here.
THE LINE of vehicles leading to the burial site -- Mount Glenwood Cemetery located 10 miles away from the Temple in Thornton, Ill. -- was so extensive that the hearse carrying the body of the Messenger arrived at the grave-site even before the last of the estimated 2,000 cars left the Temple.
Special accommodations for the unique situation were graciously made by the Chicago and Thronton Police and Fire Departments.
Although the 2,000 person-capacity Temple could not absorb the massive throng that had come to honor the passing of this great Black man, thousands of men and women waited in disciplined patience in lines ringing the magnificent Muslim edifice.
AN ATMOSPHERE of quiet dignity pervaded the Temple during the 25-minute funeral service, defying the traditional display of excessive emotionalism common to funerals for figures venerated by masses of Blacks.
Yoshihiko Uyeda, president of the First Pacific Bank of Chicago said, "It was one of the most dignified ceremonies I've ever seen."
The actual service consisted of and Islamic prayer recited in English by Minister James Shabazz and repeated in Arabic by Professor Ali Baghdadi.
"There was no jumping and shouting and screaming, but you still could see that the people really loved and respected Mr. Muhammad.
Reprinted from Saturday, March 1, 1975 edition of the Detroit Free Press
Black Muslim Leader Buried
Chicago--(UPI)-- A throng of Black Muslims prayerfully said goodby Friday to Elijah Muhammad, the "messenger of Allah" who was spiritual leader of the Nation of Islam for more than 40 years.
An esitmated 10,000 followers and friends of the 70,000-member black separatist sect gathered in or around the eggshell-white Temple of Islam to hear Muhammad eulogized and to file solemnly past his polished white casket.
A long funeral procession -- led by an emerald green hearse and green limousines -- carried Muhammad's body from the temple on Chicago's south side to Mt. Glenwood Cemetery. Muhammad died Tuesday at the age of 77.
IN CONTRAST to violence and disunity which ripped the Black Muslims frequently during the 1960s -- particularly after the assassination of Malcolm X, once Muhammad's top aide -- the services Friday were quiet and orderly.
The some 700 blue-clad men and white-garbed women who sat through the service submitted patiently to a search for forbidden cameras or weapons. And the thousands who remained outside during the funeral ceremony filed patiently, 12 abreast, along a sidewalk into the temple and past the casket afterward.
There were no sobs or tears from adult mouners, only the occasional crying of tired children.
Minister James Shabazz told the worshipers that Elijah was "God's messenger" and praised "the greatness of Allah."
"Oh Allah," he prayed, "make us successful, make the followers of Abraham successful."
Women in long, white gowns bore peppermint candy down the aisles in china and crystal dishes. Shabazz told the Muslims to "take a bit of sweets as a token of the sweet communion we enjoy with he who is among us."
On the rostrum sat Wallace Muhammad, 41, Elijah's son and new head of the Nation of Islam, and some 50 other leaders of the sect. All were in blue uniforms except heavy-weight boxing champion Muhammad Ali, who wore a pinstripe suit.
Ali entered the temple with the Rev. Jesse Jackson, director of Operation PUSH, and sat with Jackson in the press section. An usher walked up to him, said "Come on, Muhammad" and led him to the rostrum.

From left to right wearing FOI fezes; Supreme Captain Raymond Sharieff (wearing sunglasses), Brother Sultan Muhammad (the Messenger's grandson) Brother Emanuel Muhammad (the Messenger's oldest son), and Brother Elijah Muhammad Jr. (the Messenger's son; also wearing sunglasses)
There is a brother in the picture wearing a fez standing next to Brother Sultan Muhammad and behind Brother Emmanuel Muhamamd who is wearing sunglasses that we have not yet been able to identify.
Pictured far right (wearing sunglasses) is Min. Louis Farrakhan
Photo Reprinted from the March 21, 1975 edition of Muhammad Speaks Newspaper